La creatividad humorística está presente en todos nosotros. La cuestión es desarrollarla, tener imaginación, mezclar cosas que aparentemente no tienen relación, buscarle el sentido jocoso, divertido y alegre a cualquier cosa, ya sea un elemento de la naturaleza, un animal, un ser humano...
La fantasía que propició el confinamiento por la epidemia del Covid, en el 2020, a Chris Judge, en el patio de su casa de Dublin, capital de la República de Irlanda, al retratar todos los días las nubes del cielo, y luego transformarlas en divertidos personajes de dibujos humorísticos, le ha convertido en un creador cuya obra es esperada actualmente por sus admiradores, en su cuenta A Daily Cloud en Instagram.
Su obra ha adquirido una notoriedad sobresaliente, y ya tras poder moverse libremente, también ha registrado imágenes del cielo de Galway, una ciudad puerto en la costa oeste de su país. Es como si usara un folio en blanco y azul, y le añadiera, gracias a la tecnología digital, su inventiva al dibujar sobre esas fotos, nuevas figuras y formas de la más variada especie. Su proyecto de estos collages ha ido creciendo cada día y su “arte de nube feliz” está en las noticias de muchas personas.
Desde cocodrilos con dientes, hasta osos dormidos, Judge reinventa nubes esponjosas como una variedad de personajes sorprendentes. Su inspiración no tiene límites. Y la incongruencia, clave humorística, aquí está presente. Mantener el estilo mínimo también es clave, ya que Judge no quiere que sus dibujos cubran demasiado la nube real. “Trato de dibujar la menor cantidad de líneas posible y dejo que la forma de la nube haga el trabajo pesado” – ha expresado.
“Si es un día soleado, tomo montones de fotos a lo largo de las horas con mi iPhone o mi Canon M6 Mark ii. Todas las tardes, elijo una foto mía o una que alguien me envió que creo que funcionará bien y luego la importo a Procreate” – ha dicho.
El entusiasmo de Chris es tan enorme por su entretenimiento, y gracias al éxito de su serie, que ya tiene programado editar un libro este año, llamado “Cloud Babies”.
Usted, amigo lector, también puede desarrollar su creatividad humorística, y desde Humor Sapiens lo invitamos a que lo haga. Salga a la calle con su cámara o teléfono celular y capte lo que la vida le inspire, lo que le haga sonreír, lo que llame su atención y sea diferente y que nadie “ve” pero usted sí, desarrolle su capacidad de observación en lo que el humor puede estar presente en su “cacería de imágenes” particular.
A daily cloud art 1 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 2 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 3 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 4© Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 5 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 6 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 7 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 8 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 9 © Chris Judge
A daily cloud art 10 © Chris Judge
Clouds and Fantasy by Chris Judge
Humorous creativity is present in all of us. The question is to develop it, to have imagination, to mix things that are apparently unrelated, to find the humorous, fun and joyful meaning of anything, be it an element of nature, an animal, a human being...
The fantasy that caused the confinement due to the Covid epidemic, in 2020, to Chris Judge, in the patio of his house in Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland, by portraying the clouds in the sky every day, and then transforming them into humorous cartoon characters, has made him a creator whose work is currently awaited by his fans, on his A Daily Cloud Instagram account.
His work has acquired outstanding notoriety, and after being able to move freely, he has also recorded images of the sky of Galway, a port city on the west coast of his country. It is as if he used a sheet of paper in white and blue, and added to it, thanks to digital technology, his inventiveness by drawing new figures and shapes of the most varied species on those photos. His project of these collages has been growing every day and his “happy cloud art” is in the news of many people.
From toothy crocodiles to sleeping bears, Judge reinvents fluffy clouds as a variety of surprising characters. His inspiration knows no limits. And the incongruity, humorous key, is present here. Keeping the style minimal is also key, as Judge doesn't want his drawings to cover up the actual cloud too much. "I try to draw as few lines as possible and let the cloud shape do the heavy lifting," he said.
“If it's a sunny day, I take loads of photos over the hours with my iPhone or my Canon M6 Mark ii. Every afternoon, I choose a photo of myself or someone sent me that I think will work well and then I import it into Procreate” – he said.
Chris' enthusiasm is so huge for his entertainment, and thanks to the success of his series, that he is already scheduled to put out a book this year, called "Cloud Babies."
You, dear reader, can also develop your humorous creativity, and from Humor Sapiens we invite you to do so. Go out into the street with your camera or cell phone and capture what life inspires you, what makes you smile, what catches your attention and is different and that no one "sees" but you do, develop your ability to observe what that humor can be present in his particular “image hunt”.